This is our website in Easy English.
Easy English is important.
It makes information easy to understand.
Easy English has certain rules.
For example:
Short sentences are used.
Our website has 6 parts.
Do you want to know more about the single parts?
Then click on the pictures or on the headings.
These are the 6 parts:
Do you want to return to the top of the page?
Then click on the button: Back to the top.
The button looks like this:
1. Infos about the National Games
The Special Olympics are the world’s largest sporting event
- for people with ID.
- for people with multiple disabilities.
In 2022, Berlin will host the Special Olympics National Games.
More than 4 thousand athletes
from many countries will come to Berlin.
They will compete in 20 sports.
For example, in handball and powerlifting.
And there will be many Unified Sports® competitions.
In Unified Sports®, people with and
and without disabilities compete together.
They have equal partnerships and they learn from each other.
We want to achieve different goals with the National Games.
For example:
We want to have more inclusion in Germany and around the globe.
Inclusion means:
Everybody is respected and accepted.
Everybody has the same rights.
We want people with ID to be more accepted.
We want to show:
People with ID can do many things.
And they can be coaches or leaders.
And we want people with ID to get access
- to education
- to work
- to health care
- to sports
Our claim and logo
The claim of the National Games is:
Unbeatable together.
This means:
Together we can achieve anything we want.
Nobody can stop us.
We invented the claim with our athletes.
We write it this way:
our logo
We created the logo with our athletes.

These were our thoughts:
All people are different.
We want to show that through the different colors and shapes.
We asked our athletes:
When you think of Special Olympics,
how do you feel?
what do you think?
They answered:
We are happy.
We are proud.
We are excited.
We wanted the logo to represent these emotions and feelings.
The National Games and the World Games take place in Berlin.
So, the logo should contain symbols of Berlin.
For example, the television tower or the Berlin Bear.
2. Updates
In this part you find the latest information about the Games.
Visit our website regularly.
Then you are always up to date.
Robert and Lilly are our Faces of the Games
25 March 2022
Special Olympics athlete Robert Herberg and Unified Sports® partner Lilly Binder are our "Faces of the Games".
Only 100 days until the National Games
11 March 2022
Today it is only 100 days to go until the National Games in Berlin.
Our claim is here
14 December 2021
It is: #UnbeatableTogether.
Dates are set
4 February 2021
Today it was decided: The National Games will be held from 19 to 24 June 2022.
3. Our Sports
In this part you find information about the different sports.
4. Infos about the tickets
There are different tickets available:
Day Ticket
The Day Ticket costs between 4 and 5 euros.
With the Day Ticket you can see all the competitions of a specific day.
It is not important where the competitions take place.
Week Ticket
The Week Ticket costs between 12 and 15 euros.
The Week Ticket gives you access to all sports
at all competition days.
It is not important where the competitions take place.
Do you want to attend the Opening and Closing Ceremonies?
Then you need an extra ticket.
For some sports you do not need a ticket:
- Beach Volleyball
- Golf
- Cycling
For 2 sports visitors are not allowed:
- Bocce
- Bowling
There are exceptions.
For example, the families of the athletes
who play boccia or bowling.
They can attend these competitions.
Public transport
Did you buy your ticket online?
Is the VBB logo on the ticket?
Then you do not pay for the public transport in Berlin
in the zones A, B and C.
Public transport is only included
as long as your ticket is valid.
You find more information on the ticket.
People with accreditation
Some people have an accreditation.
That means:
They have a special access.
For example, athletes or coaches.
These people do not need a ticket
to watch the competitions.
And they do not need a ticket for the Opening Ceremony
and the Closing Ceremony.
This is how you can buy your ticket:
Go to our online shop.
Click on this button:
The online shop is not in Easy English.
Do you have any questions?
Do you need help?
Then give us a call.
This is our telephone number:
0049 30 62 933 6084
You can also send us an e-mail.
This is our e-mail address:
You can always reach us between 10 am and 5 pm.
You can also buy your ticket on site.
For example, at the entrance to the venues.
But you can only pay with card.
We cannot guarantee that there are free seats
when you arrive at the venue.
Are there no free seats available?
Then unfortunately you will not be able to attend.
But you can visit other sports nearby.
5. Get Involved
We are looking for volunteers for
- the National Games Berlin 2022
- the World Games Berlin 2023
As a volunteer you have different tasks.
For example:
- You help the athletes.
- You help visitors with questions.
- You help at the competitions.
- You help organizing items.
Volunteers do not get paid for their work.
But they get to know many people.
They gain knowledge and experience.
And they help at an important event.
Do you want to apply?
Then click here:
Do you need support?
Then click here:
6. Contact
Do you have questions?
Do you want more information?
Then give us a call.
Our phone number is:
00 49 30 629 33 600
You can also send us an email.
Our email adress is: